Easy Cinnamon Apple Spice Campfire Donuts
This morning I made super easy Caramel Pumpkin Donuts for my kids. I had some extra ambition, so I cut them in to star shapes with a cookie cutter. You could leave them whole, cut them in half, or make them into actual donut shapes.
CAMPFIRE DONUTS 1 can of buttermilk biscuits vegetable oil for frying 1 package of Caramel Pumpkin, Cinnamon Apple Spice or Sweet Strawberry or Key Lime Seasoning Heat about two inches of oil in a large pot. Separate the biscuits on a cutting board and cut a hole from the center of each. A screw-cap from a bottle works perfect! Sprinkle the seasoning into a paper sack. Fry the biscuits in the oil, flipping them over with tongs when they are golden-brown. Once both sides are finished frying, let them drain on paper towels or a plate. Drop them in the bag and shake them up. Don’t forget to fry the doughnut holes. |